For Love of Team Blog

Day 6 of #TeamLOVE

Written by Winston Faircloth | 2/6/23 10:34 PM

Day 6: Protect Productive Times 

Are you an early bird -- up way before the dawn, full of energy and excitement for what's unfolding. Or perhaps you are a night owl, when the sun is heading down -- you are revving up with maximum creativity and follow-through. Both kinds of team members are in your organization right now. Not only do we as leaders ignore this fact -- we often book countless meetings right during our team member's MOST productive times of day. Wasting these peak moments for gatherings, when our team members could most be leveraging their Unique Abilities and Strengths (see days 4 & 5). #TeamLove begins by acknowleding and Protecting Productive times for both groups -- consider scheduling your collaboration/meeting times in the middle of the day, serving as transition for early birds and night owls alike.


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