For Love of Team Blog

Day 7 of #TeamLOVE

Written by Winston Faircloth | 2/7/23 12:00 PM

Day 7: Clarify Communication Channels

Trying to remember where that urgent request came from can be maddening. Was it in Teams? A Text? In Slack? Email? Or are we always keeping email open the entire business day, watching for the next "hair on fire" request?

And every time we check-in, we're losing precious minutes (up to 20) working in our Unique Abilities. That means, we're not delivering the greatest value for our organization.

Communication Chaos reigns when we allow every person to use their favorite way to collaborate internally -- and that means that there are several channels we as team members must monitor throughout the day.

At For Love of Team, we believe intentionally choosing collaboration channels and how they are to be used FREES up your team to FOCUS on what matters.

For example: email. We get to decide! Single topics only. Leading with needed actions. Subject line clarity. Expected repsonse times. Times of day for checking.

We can make communication tools work for us. Instead of being held hostage to endless interruptions.


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