For Love of Team Blog

Day 8 of #TeamLOVE

Written by Winston Faircloth | 2/8/23 12:00 PM

Day 8: Declare Meeting Bankrupcy

This week, take an inventory of the number of hours you when you've been invited for internal meetings. What is the default length of time? The typical times of day? How many during your peak energy periods (see day 6)?

And how many of these meetings were mostly updates vs. problem solving? Yes, we need to connect -- especially when some team members can be physically present and others are remote.

The challenge in building #TeamLove is when meetings just continue -- without a clear WHY and WHAT success looks like (see days 1 and 2). When we take the time to define a clear WHY & WHAT, we may decide that some meetings are not really necessary. Or that our WHO - invitation list can be pruned, or perhaps expanded.

One courageous leadership team even decided to take their meeting intentionality to a new level. They declare "Meeting Bankrupcy" at the end of every quarter, where they take every standing meeting off the calendar until three questions are addressed: WHY, WHAT and WHO for each meeting.

Combine this with greater intentionality about the time of day (see day 6) meetings are hosted, and FREE up your team to be more productive and happy.


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