Is it time to rethink your tech?


We help visionary United Way leaders like you align your technology with your mission.


As visionary leaders, we can become so focused on innovation and creativity that we forget who makes our vision possible – our people.  That is why we take a people-first approach to solving technology challenges, so that you can focus on your  vision and impact.  

Black Woman Striped Shirt at Laptop
Trusted by UWs across the country.
Man Beard and Glasses Gray Background

As visionary leaders

we can become so focused on innovation and creativity that we forget who makes our vision possible – our people.  That is why we take a people-first approach to solving technology challenges, so that you can focus on your  vision and impact. 


When was the last time you intentionally evaluated your technology needs?  

Does your technology enable and accelerate your team’s work?   

Does your platform have too deep of a learning curve, especially for new team members?  

Does your platform make basic data reporting and software actions too complex?    

Do you feel captive to a handful of users who embrace your software?  

Does your technology adapt to meet the demands of a rapidly changing business model? 


Unlock technology as a tool for teamwork. 


Optimize your technology by creating scalable processes. 


Make your software work for you, rather than the other way around. 

If any of this sounds familiar...

you've come to the right place.


We work with United Ways to leverage technology as a strategic asset in your work, instead of an operating cost, accelerating teamwork and innovation 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find some of the most common questions we receive.

Let's Talk

Discover how aligning your tech to your vision enables and accelerates your work. For a complimentary consultation, book a call now.