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The Surprise Skill

The Surprise Skill

The Surprising Skill Most Business Owners Miss


Our vision for forward-thinking, intentional teams built with love starts with 3 pillars.

At the very core, they can be called out as:





Each pillar contains its own unique challenges at different phases of business and leadership growth.  

But it all comes back to you...the leader. What do you focus on? What do you believe about yourself, your business, your clients, and your team? 

Whether you are just leading yourself or you have a team of many, you drive the business with all of your traits (positive and negative), your beliefs about what’s important at any given moment, and the mission and vision you’ve established for your business. 

All of those aspects come together for the next 2 pillars of Simplify and Teamwork. HOW you work in your business determines what you need to simplify, automate and delegate. And WHAT you believe about yourself and your business determines how you develop, and treat, your team. 

Your leadership and awareness of yourself as a leader is the pivotal component of your business. 

That’s why we work with our founders to expand their self-awareness about their strengths: how they best show up in the myriad aspects of their business. 

We share tools and strategies for them to take a regular inventory of how they spend their most precious resource: their time. 

And we guide them to sharpen their focus on doing what they love most and help them map out strategies to free themselves from the rest.

When you are ready to experience THIS type of awareness to drive your business success, text me at my personal number at 1-754-800-9461.


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Team Owns the How

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Lead with Heart

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