Stay in Our Strengths
Reimagining Team Feedback and Growth Processes
Discovering Unique Contributions in the Workplace
This season, we're diving deep into Winston Faircloth's new book, *Team Love: 28 Ways to Demonstrate Caring at Work*. Each week, we offer excerpts and key concepts, aimed at empowering you as a visionary leader to better support your team. Here’s a look into Chapter 4 of Winston's book: "Identify Unique Contributions."
Embracing the Flow
Have you ever been so absorbed in a project that you lost all track of time, only to realize hours had slipped by effortlessly? On the flip side, are there those dreaded tasks that you postpone until the very last minute? We all have such tasks that are either energizing or draining, and this represents the spectrum of our work life. Each team member comes to work with unique perspectives, talents, and life experiences. Yet, too often, assignments are narrowly tied to roles, disregarding individual gifts. This approach can lead to frustration and delays.
The Power of Purpose and Passion
Discovering and nurturing your team's unique contributions can fuel their purpose and passion, unlocking innovation and effortless energy. While everyone has tasks they prefer, others within your team might thrive on those very tasks you’re not keen on. The objective is to ensure that each team member spends as much of their work life as possible within their own zone of flow. As leaders, mentors, and coaches, our mission is to align the right talent with the right tasks.
Taking the Journey Together
Invite your team to join you on this journey. Start by setting aside some quiet time to reflect on recent moments when time flew by, and the tasks felt easy and enjoyable. Consider what you'd continue to do even without financial incentive. Identify activities you're passionate about and willing to teach others. Capture these experiences in as much detail as possible.
Conversely, consider the tasks you delay until the last minute. Even if you're effective at these tasks, they can still be draining. Record these instances just as thoroughly. For an added perspective, look for teammates who excel in areas you struggle with, breaking the misconception that everyone dislikes the same tasks. The greatness of a team lies in its diverse talents and interests.
Unlocking Potential
With your list in hand, be vigilant for team members whose gifts you can unlock. Match assignments to gifting, rather than just roles. Harness this strategy to elevate your team's and your leadership’s effectiveness.
We’d love to hear from you! Share your feedback and biggest takeaways on our website at and look for today’s chapter episode. Remember, when we cherish our team, we enhance the experience for our customers, bringing visionary leadership to life. We hope to see you next time on the For Love of Team podcast.
Reimagining Team Feedback and Growth Processes
Embracing the 'How': Empowering Your Team for Success