Why "The Customer is...

Why "The Customer is Always Right" Might be Dead Wrong “You’re fired.”
2/15/21 2:23 PM

Why You Need to Ask...

Why you need to ask and not . Who? Where? What? Why? When? and How?
2/1/21 2:28 PM

A Sweet Kiss for Your...

A Sweet KISS for Your Business While you’ve heard it said Keep It Simple Stupid, it really should be Keep It ...
1/25/21 2:30 PM

How to Build Your...

How to Build Your House Safe from the Shifting Sands You want to build your house upon a rock, not on ...
1/18/21 2:34 PM

The Surprising Skill...

The Surprising Skill Most Business Owners Miss Our vision for forward-thinking, intentional teams built with ...
1/11/21 2:41 PM

The Power of Pause

The Power of Pause I once shared my story of stopping all business activity for 60 days.
7/29/20 11:30 PM